
You guys heavily request whitening products, then I'm back with another whitening production that seems to exist selling pretty well in our store. This is the Cloud 9 cream that is always sold out whenever I'thou working. I was lucky to snag myself one to try out because, literally, people buy them in threes to stock up, otherwise they're waiting a while. I didn't even do whatever enquiry on this cream, nor have I really sold ane of these earlier, so I went into using this blind, as in to say, I didn't know the functions of this cream, nor did I know what it would be like on the skin, or for what peel type for that matter. I was next to clueless when I used this, and then here are my findings for you.

Cloud 9 seems to exist under the brand proper name Claire'due south, which was established back in 1997. I'g not too familiar with the brand myself only it seems that the products they produce are tested at the P&Chiliad Skin Research Middle. This is what the packaging states.


Blemishes? Freckles? If you are dislocated, exist doubtful about freckles. Treat certain freckles which appear consistently with the anti-freckle cream, Cloud 9. TheCloud nine Whitening Cream was featured in a popular Korean Dazzler Show, the Star Dazzler Show. They tested this product for 2 weeks. Cloud nine Whitening Cream gives instant whitening that lasts for hours! The foam doesn't feel greasy, gets absorbed quickly and can be easily removed by water and tin exist mixed with other products likewise, like lord's day block or facial scrubs. It doesn't look cakey even if you put foundation or bb cream over it. The whitening upshot also looks natural just don't use too much and information technology can be a little drying likewise when y'all apply a lot. It gives a dewy finish and reduces redness slightly. You tin use this to even out your skin tone. Spatula is included and then mitt-costless!

It was then broken that I had to slightly prepare the grammer to somewhat make it more understandable. Even I didn't practice a good task. Ugh. However, information technology seems to be a whitening effector product that targets melanin production in the skin. It claims to do the following:

  • Help reduce melanin
  • Maintain skin brightness for 12hrs
  • Reduce redness caused past UV rays
  • Ameliorate immediate skin brightness

The packaging also claims that it was tested on 23 healthy women aging between 20 to 55 years one-time. If I'm not mistaken, then it has like concepts to the Lei Lani Wear White that I reviewed a while back. Have a read of that too, which I'll link here.


I opened the package for the first time and was so glad to meet it was sealed with a foil skin off lid thing; a definite plus in my books, because it ways no air exposure and less bacteria able to become within. Peeling off the foil though revealed a glob of white stuff that resembled curdled overdue yoghurt. It looked pretty disgusting and I'm surprised that the Cloud 9th cream was supposed to wait like that. Putting that thought to the dorsum of my caput, I went on to use information technology regularly for the sake of reviews.

It did what information technology claimed to do, which is whiten. Whenever I put the Deject 9 cream on, I could definitely tell my pare became brighter with each use, and definitely kept information technology that fashion for a while. Nonetheless, being a cream, I imagined it to be nourishing and hydrating, considering that's what your typical foam does. Nope, not this 1. If you have oily skin, then this 1 is a good one for yous. It skimps out on hydration so much, that even I can't tolerate it, and I much enjoy the feeling of being dry sometimes. If whitening comes down to having skin equally dry out every bit the Sahara desert then I'll happily choose hydration over skin whitening whatever 24-hour interval. Don't try to put anything on elevation of the cream, because not just does it NOT work, but it makes the whitening effect on your skin really patchy. As to my hypothesis, it definitely is the same as Lei Lani in terms of effects; that is to say the whitening seems to be temporary, and with constant use, you'll become lighter over time. A little goes a VERY long way with this i. If you utilize also much, be prepared for your skin to bump up 4 shades. You lot demand to use it sparingly, because not simply is it hard to fifty-fifty get product out of the jar, but if y'all use the slightest bit too much, then the results will be incredibly noticeable. Be warned now, equally nobody warned me.

On the plus side, the product is 50mL which is quite a good quantity, the cream has little to no fragrance, and seems to be uncolored as well. Well, information technology's white, and it'southward a whitening product so obviously adding a white whitening cream to your face is going to brand your face white. Besides that, it'southward the cheapest cream I own to this twenty-four hours, retailing at $35 at Cosmehut or for a fake version, go online and grab your one for $28.95 yay! Honestly, become grab a existent version of the Cloud 9th foam because I've seen fake ones flying around on online stores selling for way cheap. Don't chance it guys. I found the retailing prices for real Cloud nine creams online and they exceed $xl, so if y'all're wanting to save a bit, and live in Perth, then go down to Cosmehut and buy one.

I tested to come across how well it performed mixed with other products. It didn't go and so well. Whatever I tried, it honestly but felt every bit if I was wiping the foam onto my face straight from the jar. Fifty-fifty with something as rich as Sulwhasoo'southward Overnight Repairing Mask, it felt so dry mixed with the Cloud 9. Definitely not something I want to practise again.

I retrieve I'll happily utilize this sparingly during the hotter days when I want to keep my peel tone from darkening, and it'll exist bang-up as a cream during summer when it's and so hot and I can't stand having anything also rich on my face. It definitely works like Lei Lani Vesture White did, and does seem to concord color pretty well. It skimps out on then much hydration which I do not like, and the is going to bring the score downward by a lot. You tin't wear hydrating products underneath because Cloud 9 sucks it all up, and you can't put it on top either otherwise you're wiping off that layer of foam on your face, which would be a waste. Overall, definitely not a foam for anyone other than purely oily pare types who tin can  handle the dehydration a lot better.


Product Quality ★★★☆☆

Toll ★★★★★

Repurchase rate ★★★☆☆

Overall ★★☆☆☆

This was just a quick review, since it was pretty easy to sum upward. If you liked this, then requite me a like and hit the subscribe button for more than reviews and random blogs about my life. Don't forget you tin can add me on my SNS accounts, which I'll give you all the links to hither. Have yous used Cloud 9 before? Let me know your experience with the cream through the comments beneath. As usual, I'll see you in my next post.

love anthony ♡

p.s: none of these pictures vest to me, and in no way practise I claim them equally mine. Credit goes to the possessor of these images.