Seaguar 20 Lb Red Label Flourocarbon Line Reviews

Picking a solid fishing line as your chief or leader line is a super important thing yous can do because it actually does make a difference. In this post, I'yard going to be reviewing Seaguar Red Label Fluorocarbon and talking about whether or not it's worth picking upwardly.

Long story curt, Seaguar Cerise Characterization is currently the fishing line I utilize every bit my leader. I oasis't used all of the angling lines out in that location and I exercise use this equally my leader line (not every bit my main line), but I've been completely impressed with how information technology's performed and how long it'south lasted. There are probably better options if you're using it as your principal line (I'd recommend braid) but it has a 4.5-star rating on Amazon which is super solid.

On my spin/baitcasting rod I'll apply a braided line equally my chief and Carmine Label equally my leader (works cracking for this). If you're doing whatever sort of trolling behind a boat then there are probably better options out there such as InvizX, AbrazX, or Tatsu. It'll work completely fine but I think you'd become better results with something else.

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Why Some other Line Might Be Improve

If y'all're using a braided line (or anything else really) as your principal fishing line and want a leader line and then Red Characterization is going to be a swell pick. If you want to use a fluorocarbon line equally your main fishing line and so you'd probably be better off with something like InvizX, AbrazX, or Tatsu. They're more than expensive but I call up yous'd get much more out of them.

Red Characterization tin can piece of work as your main fishing line but it has a chip also much memory (has coils from the packaging) which tin cause tangles. That's but my opinion anyhow so experience free to give information technology a endeavour if yous want.

If you're doing any sort of casting then y'all'll probably want your primary fishing line to float. Fluorocarbon will sink and that's why it's mainly used as a leader. If you want a line that'll float then yous should use braid or monofilament.

How Was The Quality?

From now on out, I'm going to exist talking most the quality and performance of the Red Label as a leader line. When I talk about fishing line quality I'yard referring to how potent it is, how chafe resistant it is, and how long it'll last overall.

I've been using this line for a little over a year now and have been pretty impressed with the quality. Every bit long as you necktie the right knot and lubricate it (water, spit, line lube), y'all should have no issues with it coming apart.

I exercise a lot of line-fishing around rocks and weeds and then my line is constantly rubbing confronting things and every now and and then I'll become a snag. I really oasis't had too many issues with my line breaking so I'g very pleased with the force and chafe resistance of this line.

Overall, for the money y'all pay, this line is pretty hard to beat out when it comes to quality.

Did It Perform Well?

When I'yard looking at the functioning of a leader line I'thou looking at how well the knots hold, how smoothly information technology glides through the guides, and how sensitive information technology is so I can actually experience what the fish are doing.

I'm sure at that place are other lines out there that are stronger and whatnot, but for the money, it'southward actually hard to beat Ruddy Label. I've only had a few times where my line has broke and it was because it got snagged on something large.

I generally use the 12 lb line equally my leader and have never had an issue with it breaking for larger fish (over 12 lbs). Every now then it'll get a piffling knick in it and need to exist replaced merely I'm constantly along the rocks and bottom and have never lost my tackle considering of abrasion.

The sensitivity is also pretty good on it. It's evidently not every bit expert as a braided line but I've tried other fluorocarbon that was much worse. The Red Label along with a braided line is a winning philharmonic in my optics (for the kind of fishing I do).

Overall, I can't actually mutter about how it performed for me.


  • The price tin't be beaten.
  • One of the best leader lines.
  • Strong and adequately sensitive.
  • 12 lb line can catch bigger fish.


  • Information technology has quite a bit of memory.
  • It'due south not the best option for the main fishing line.
  • I'd recommend y'all use some sort of lube on your knots.

Final Thoughts

If you're in the market for a fluorocarbon leader and then I call up there's non much better than Seaguar Red Label. It'south non perfect past any ways only it'south inexpensive and has always done the task for me. If you're doing any sort of casting then I'd recommend yous use Sufix 832 as your main line with a Red Characterization leader.

Plus, almost 300 people have reviewed it on Amazon and it has a iv.five-star rating. That should say enough. Click here to run across the price on Amazon.

If you're trolling or want to apply fluorocarbon as your main fishing line then I'd probably recommend something else. You can use it but I recollect you'd become more out of something that was designed specifically for that. Information technology all just actually depends on what blazon of line-fishing you'll exist doing.

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